I’m doing everything my doctor tells me to do. Isn’t that enough?

No. No. Resounding no!

One of the biggest, most dangerous myths in modern society is that doctors know everything about everything when it comes to caring for our bodies and brains.

Like every profession, doctors have a zone of genius. However, as Mindful Omnivores, we know that what doctors do does not extend to every possible thing needed to care for ourselves.

  • It does not extend to nutrition.
  • It does not extend to root cause analysis.
  • it does not generally even extend to overcoming and recovering from chronic disease or chronic symptoms.

Medical care does not even extend understanding the concept that body has a built in ability to heal from chronic illness. As Mindful omnivores though, we see deep, real, life changing healing happen all the time.

Have you ever gone to a doctor and they have told you it was all in your head? It seems so 1950s but this still happens all the time.

Have you ever gone to a doctor and they have told you there is no known cause for your health condition? Or they have brushed it off as genetic?

As Mindful Omnivores, and in functional nutrition, we do not consider these statements adequate modes of understanding the real situation. We do understand that there is a better roadmap for care and recovery.

The fact is we do know a lot about why your health conditions are happening and we do know a lot about how to unwind the problems.

If your doctor tells you we don’t know… seek out a functional professional who does know some things about how to help your body heal. You deserve it. Don’t take “nothing can be done” for an answer. If you feel like crap and you haven’t found the perspective that helps your body heal, keep looking.

For example, if you have signs of blood sugar dysregulation… are you going to wait for full-blown diabetes and then start on insulin and then wait for your circulation to get so bad you need an amputation? As Mindful Omnivores, we say no way! We know there is so much beyond waiting to get sicker, and beyond medicating ourselves, that can be done to save that limb, to reverse the worst outcomes, to help us lead happier and healthier lives.

If you have digestive pain and distress and your doctor does a scope and tells you there’s nothing there, are you going to wait for it get worse and worse until your doctor can diagnose some horrible disease? As Mindful Omnivores, we say no! We are proactive. We investigate and experiment and do what we ca do to help our bodies heal. We know that we can manage it so much better early on and often reverse the worst of it.

There is so much beyond medical care that can and really must be done to keep us in tip-top shape. Don’t give up just because what your body needs is not in the scope of medical care, is not described by medical care.

That’s ok! Look further. We now have a whole thriving profound life-changing field of functional nutritional therapy.

We investigate differently. We eat differently. We supplement differently. There is so much hope beyond medical care!

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